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You try to draw your sword as stealthily as you can, but the guard seems to notice your actions. He realises your ill intent and you quickly thrust your sword towards his chest. He skillfully dodges your blow and returns the favour with a huge swing of his spiked iron mace. You parry his attack, yet the powerful blow has left you somewhat stunned, and the guard seizes this opportunity to sound the alarm.

In the distance, you see a few guards rushing to his aid, and you gather that you couldn't possibly defeat them all, and turn tail, dragging along Kandasa, whom has been in a state of shock and bewilderment all this while.

You rush off away from the keep and oddly enough, the guards aren't chasing. With the fire on their hands, they wouldn't bother about a petty assault, you figure.

As you turn round and try to spy on the guard, you notice it's a different person! It must have been a shift-change. What a lucky break, you think, as Kandasa and yourself put on some fake facial hair to alter your appearance, then approach the gate once again.

"I don't suggest you try to pull such a stunt again, Sire, or else we would both be in grave trouble," advised Kandasa. Although you resent the lecturing tone of his voice, you tend to agree.

As you come into the view of the guard, he showed no signs of hostility. The dark must have helped somewhat too. Then you...

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