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This is actually an interactive story that i have put together for some fun. Please take some time to try it! For something interesting, go to the tavern first...

Throughout the story, please refrain from using your browser's back button (unless otherwise stated), because the game is designed such that if you can return there will be a link to it.

If you've already tried it before or just want to skip it, then go to the Main Page. If at any time throughout the story you wish to get straight to the main page, then just click the Pendragon Keep logo above.

On with the story...

"Halt! Who wishes to enter this fair city?" a guard prompts as you reach the city gate.

You reply and he lets you pass.

"I apologize for my prudence, but as you can see, we have a situation right now. A fire has broken out in the south-east wing, but not to worry, its nothing we can't handle, though it -may- take some time before it is extinguished. Feel free to walk around this fine city."

You now...

enter the city
try to take a poke at the guard