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The night is quiet. You can feel the gentle yet chilled touch of the breeze brushing you by as your horse trudges on. Kandasa, your faithful servant, guides your horse along as you finally emerge from the edge of the Wyvern Pine Woods, and you both stop spontaenously in your tracks.

"It seems, Sire, that we have arrived at our destination," Kandasa whispered in your direction, while gazing fixedly at the sight before him.

"Indeed," you mutter, more to yourself than anyone else, as you too, are fascinated by the grandeur that is... Pendragon Keep.

The castle-city rises tall from the flat plains surrounding it; magnificent architecture and engineering has brought about this extraordinary structure. Even as darkness envelopes it, the splendour of the beautiful sight you behold seems to emit a magical aura, defying all around it.

Yet, something seems to be amiss. As Kandasa gradually recovers from his amazement, he notices smoke climbing out atop of the walls of the keep, and quickly deduces that some part of the city must be ablaze.

"Sire, there seems to be a small fire within the city. Perhaps we could be of some assistance?"

You quickly agree and hurry on towards the city...

enter Pendragon Keep